Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Last night was a fine night for la Vida Segunda. I hung out with these two lassies for a spell on Hallelujah Azul. It's been a while since I've seen Angie. She was drenched with sass and class. So perfectly Angie.

Cat is always a sunny treat. She's my SL cousin. One cannot overdose on Ms. Catalina Mistwallow. She's like cabbage, or something healthier.

We didn't seem to do a whole lot, other than loiter like chulos. But that's how it goes. No need for setting mixes when your company supercedes the landscape.

Later on Ariel poofed in, others showed, madness ensued. As recalled, there were neck bolts, floating brains, brain-laced ice cream, cracked skulls seeping brains, cannons shooting brains, and other brain related tomfoolery.

I must admit, I get a little distracted when too much craziness erupts. It's not a bad thing, I just have a simple mind. But, in zoning out I befriended Samantha, who seems to be a safe bet on decent personality. So, bounus there.

As we wind this post down it feels as if it lacks the proper hit of cynicism and wit.

The sharp edges aren't dull, just covered in plush sheath.


  1. Awww... Javi this is a great side of you! This post is filled with a sharp wit thats been lace with such kindness and delivered in a way that only you can. B-E-Autiful

  2. Thanks Angie. I'm touched that you like it.

    [insert perverted comment]

    [insert sweet cover-up to previous perversion]

  3. I agree, I get to distracted and overwhelmed by the crazy sometimes.
